9:32 PM
News Feed Web Version

  1. Notifications: This is where you’ll be notified about friend requests (when someone requests that you add them as a friend), messages (when someone sends you a private message) and general notifications (when someone likes you status or tags you in a post or picture)
  2. Home: This will always bring you back you your News Feed.
  3. Timeline: This will always take you to your profile page.
  4. Privacy: This takes you directly to privacy shortcuts.
  5. Settings: This is where you can make account changes. It also takes you to privacy settings.
  6. Navigation: Here you can view and navigate to Facebook’s core features, including your lists, groups, and apps. If you choose to create a separate business profile, you can also access it from here.
  7. Publisher: This is where you post status updates, pictures and links to stories. Once you click “post,” that information will show up on your Timeline and the News Feed of your friends.
  8. Feed: Updates appear here


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