9:40 PM

Profile page

  1. Profile Picture: This image represents you whenever you post anything on Facebook. You can change your  picture any time by hovering your mouse over the photo and then clicking “edit profile picture.”
  2. Cover Image: This is a large picture that should expresses your personality or interests.
  3. About You: This is where you’ll share details about your work history, relationships, interests, etc. When you are filling in the information, you can choose who can see it (see privacy settings below).
  4. Publisher: In addition to publishing status updates via your News Feed, you can also post from your Timeline.
  5. Timeline: This is where information about you is stored. Whenever you post an update, it appears right on your Timeline. Your friends can also share posts on your Timeline. You can control who sees what via privacy settings (see below).

Privacy Settings

Facebook gives you the option of

sharing as much or as little information as you want. You need to decide what works best for you.
  1. To find privacy settings, click on the lock in the top, right corner of the screen.
  2. There are a number of privacy options, including “public,” “friends” and “custom” options. When adding personal information or even creating posts, you will see a dropdown menu from which you can choose whom you want to see your information. All future posts will be shared with the most recently selected audience unless it is changed again.
  3. Facebook updates privacy options regularly. Make sure you check your settings to ensure they are set the way you want them to be.

Account Settings

Once you start using Facebook, you may need to modify your Account Settings. These settings control your passwordnotifications and more. Changing these settings is optional, and you can modify whenever you choose. Explore these settings to determine what works best for you.



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