10:45 PM
7 Facebook Posting Statistics

1. On average, 36 Facebook posts per page published each month

2. Did you know 240 billion pictures have been posted on Facebook (so far)

3. Postings amounts to + / - 80 sentences more effective engagement rate

4. 293 000 There is a Facebook post released every minute and every day, whether your post stand out?

5. Did you know: posts that contain advice or teach something new distributed 522% more than the usual post?

6. Photo food is one of the most popular images on social media sites. Use food-themed photos on Facebook!

7. Facebook Edgerank rating means that only about 16% of your posts look. You should make your post be taken into account!

7 Formulas
1. Postings "Give the caption of this picture!" Very suitable for B2C and retail companies to increase brand appeal

2. Pushing the click through the 'Click here to read more'

3. Encourage user-generated content, for example, with the theme 'Share photos on Instagram your relaxation moment'


4. Use the phrase titled "Want more (.......)? Listen (.......)? "So that you more downloadable Ebook

5. Use polling method 'Share vs Like' your post so that more exposure

6. Use a sentence with the formula 'Like if you (.......)'. You can fill in the blank with holiday themes or sporting events

7. Been tried formula 'One way that is not widely known for (......)' to advise and produce likes?...

4 Ways Targeting Post
1. Targets your Facebook Postings by interest from your fans to reach the demographics you are most          passionate fans 

2. Perform split tests your Facebook Postings by time, range time to get your fans online
3. Did you do geo targeting on your posts to engage fans with a special interest about their hometown?

4. Use demographic targeting to expand the reach of your posts demographic 

12 ways to improve engagement1. Advantage of the seasons, holidays and sporting events to improve the participation of your Posts2.'s A good question encourages involvement / greater engagement on Facebook3. Use the fan to make them nostalgic memory of their Tweets and re-active and commented

4. Be an exclusive, always showing something new, or in behind the scenes to give users something they have not seen before5. Recipes Food is a great way to encourage your fans to re-visit your Fb post6. Use opinions expressed mild to entice people

7. Did you use opinion polls and sneek peeks to encourage participation rate Fan?8. Spend time on your Fan page to see what they like. Can you make it?9. Fans engaged with the business on Facebook looking for a personal connection. Give them the10. Did you mix your post in such a way to make fans curious and not get bored? Or post your uninteresting and boring?11. Showcase your fans (they are also known for!) With a picture or quote them and encourage others to participate as well12. Use Facebook Insights to monitor your post Which have high level of engagement

7 Important Things Related to Post Photos
1. Use interesting images to get Likes and Shares

2. Use something adorable in your pictures to get easily Like

3. Photo on Facebook fanpage Likes receive 53% more than the average post


4. Postings photos get 104% more comments than usual post

5. Postings photos receive 84% more clicks than regular posts and text links

6. Postings that include photo albums in it has a level of 180% more engagement than the average post

7. Postings with images have a level of involvement by 37%, compared with 27% in the post text and 15% on the links

10 How to promote your brand with post1. Instead of promoting your products directly, send picture of the benefits and how difficult life is without your product2. Promoting social platforms other than Facebook can expand your brand reach and effectiveness of your campaign3. Automation Facebook posts are very useful, but do not just configure the "FPA" and let it go4. Laugh Create your fans and they will associate your brand with the excitement

5. Give a chance to win a prize to encourage more clicks6. Stop talking about yourself, and make sure that you talk about your Fans7. Instruct Fans Do you like strangers who help you post spam jamming push your marketing tactics8. Facebook Like open channels of communication between you and Fan9. ​​Provide quick and easy tips to prove your expertise10. B2B companies bring millions of visitors traffic by providing useful content for free

8 Questions you need to ask yourself
1. Would you offer useful suggestions post to be a source of reliable information? 

2. Was your post has CTA (Call-To-Action)? Make sure you do not waste your time 

3. Did you check your Facebook posts link to make sure the links which are not working? 

4. Did you publish your blog post in Facebook intensive few days earlier? 

5. Whether you use quotes (quotes) so your content can disadurkan and shared easily? 


6. Did you have a target market and fans are not right on your Facebook page? 

7. Did you know Facebook will give you a penalty to your post if your content is excerpted from a reliable source?

8. You need to remember that Facebook is the best post gives users a clear ONE thing to do?


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